September 3, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

As the use of IoT products increases, legal issues such as data protection, software licensing, cybersecurity, and e-contracts arise. This research paper seeks to analyze and review the growth of IoT in the technology space, particularly in Nigeria, the issue of data protection, as well as key regulations. Lastly, the paper attempts to answer the question of who bears liability in the event of a breach of data privacy and unlawful access to the digital footprint.

Central Bank Digital Currency
August 6, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

Cryptocurrencies are not without their challenges however, for instance, they have exhibited periods of extreme volatility, which limits an asset’s ability to fulfill two of the classic functions of money to wit; to act as a stable store of value that people can hold and use predictably in the future, and to serve as a meaningful unit of account that can be used to assign a comparable value of goods and services.

Regtech Enhances Banking Operations
August 3, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

Indeed, it is believed that Ponzi schemes and indeed all other fraudulent practices in breach of capital market rules can ideally be addressed by the deployment of Regtech systems that leverage advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to generally identify suspicious financial dealings or activities on which such Ponzi schemes thrive.

Agreements in Software Technology Licensing Arrangements
July 30, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

Software licensing allows a Licensee to legally use software, the usage of which would otherwise have been a copyright breach. A software license grants usage rights to an end-user and defines the scope and extent to which an end-user can deploy the software of an owner subject to consideration.

The New Real Estate
May 7, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

The real estate professional understands the big picture. He or She knows that each individual transaction, no matter how big or small, has an economic effect that ripples far beyond the parties gathered around the table.

Intellectual Property and Sports; Importance, Landmarks and Current Trends
April 30, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

The world of sport has fast become a billion-dollar entity, morphing from a mere recreational activity to a financial and economic haven. In its own right, sporting activities account for over 3.7% of the aggregate GNP of the twenty-eight EU states. It is also responsible for over 3% of world trade. It employs fifteen million people in the EU, which is about 5.4% of the entire European labor force. In December 2020, NBA superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo agreed to sign a five-year contract extension with the Milwaukee Bucks worth $228.2 million, in what is the largest deal in NBA history today . Barcelona FC conceded in January 2021 that Lionel Messi indeed earned $167 million a year on a 4-year contract he signed in 2017 .

Securitization of Assets featured
April 22, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

The fundamental reason behind securitization is the need for institutions to derive value from the assets on their balance sheet. These assets could be residential mortgages, corporate loans, debt instruments, among others.

Some of the factors that necessitate securitization include:

Presumption of Innocence and Burden of Proof
April 15, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

“If a person charged with murder or any other offence which the law prescribes the death penalty pleads guilty to it, a plea of not guilty is to be recorded by the Court on his behalf and the case heard as if he had pleaded not guilty. In any other circumstance, his actual plea is to be recorded”.