Space Law
February 3, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

There are various regulations, treaties and conventions that have been entered into at the international level that serve as laws regulating space activities. These laws are a product of international cooperation and deliberation and thereby enjoy uniform validity. Some of these international laws include:…

January 29, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

Nigeria’s quest to achieving a compliant data protection status capable of securing database rights and indeed all other ancillary intellectual property rights cannot be achieved overnight. Nonetheless, the above issues discussed are cardinal and must be tackled as a first step:

January 20, 2021 Omaplex 0 Comments

Most arbitration agreements are entered into as exit strategies; they are inserted into agreements without much thought as to the dynamics of the arbitration proceedings in the event the contractual relationship actually goes wrong.

No partner wants to be the one proffering detailed solutions as to how their marriage should be dissolved if it gets to that, but as much as we all want a happy ending, some marriages must dissolve. Thus, when things go wrong, parties have to ensure that their arbitration agreements fulfil their expectations of an easy way out; the best ‘exit strategy’.